How we can help
Acupuncture for Health
Acupuncture is a holistic medically tested practice - we not only treat the symptoms that brought you seeking for treatment, but we also treat the root cause of imbalance.
Acupuncture for Detox, PTSD and Addictions
Using NADA protocol with needles in the ears, a proved medical treatment to target specific issues.
Facial Enhancement Acupuncture
Acupuncture to stimulate collagen production, and decrease fine lines. An anti aging, natural and holistic non surgical treatment.
Tui Na Chinese Medical Massage
Usually performed over clothing, or with medicated oils, Tui Na is great for tight and painful back and shoulders or any other issue that needs medical massage attention.
Instant relief from pain - many people try this as an add on to their treatment - and never look back
Other services:
Feng Shui consultations, Chinese Energetic Food advice, Chinese Astrology Bazi consultations, Yi Jing Consultation, Private Qi Gong classes.
Feedback We’ve Received
"I look forward to seeing Lydia at her clinic. The space is warm and cosy and she is super friendly and I feel very comfortable and relaxed in her company. I have acupuncture or Tui Massage, depending on what I need on the day and she is always very accommodating.
She is extremely knowledgeable and always explains the theory in great detail which I love as its a subject of great interest for me. I feel very safe with her and have had a lot of positive change as a result of my treatments and also practising the exercises I have learned from her Qi Gong classes which she runs weekly in Southbourne. I really can’t recommend her enough."
"Lydia is an extremely knowledgeable, dedicated and intuitive practitioner. She is also a lovely person and I have always felt thoroughly safe and cared-for during my treatment sessions. I have been amazed and delighted with the positive changes in my health, despite suffering from a life-long health condition for which there is "no cure" - or so the medics say!
Lydia always explains everything that she is doing, and the reason for it, as your treatment progresses. Acupuncture and Tui Na seem to be able to address an extremely wide range of physical and mental/emotional ailments. I am therefore delighted to recommend Lydia as an extremely professional and gifted Complementary Health Practitioner.